Primary education department students of USPU support fighters who defend our country in the ATO zone both morally and materially. They gather things, products, finances and give them over through volunteers by means of express transport. People write letters with special love in military zone conflict, they express their frank support and gratitude to warriors for military services. To the address of Primary Education Department was sent a letter with gratitude for the support.

The fighters confirm: volunteer movement is of great importance for them, and it is so valuable because of both material and moral support. Frank and sincere, it gives an opportunity to understand their necessity for the country. Volunteer initiative “Kyiv Rus” representatives delivered USPU students’ letters to one of the brigade subdivisions of Armed Forces of Ukraine, which protects Debaltseve. Their soldiers are real heroes, patriots of Ukraine; they display spiritual firmness and heroism while protecting country’s unity. Military unit deputy commander though wounded and moves with the help of crutches, doesn’t leave his subordinates. He took a picture with “Kyiv Rus” volunteer after USPU students’ letters had been delivered, and demonstrated his letter answer-gratitude.

Letters and pictures receiving is a big event for soldiers. They affirm that the letters for them are as important as ammunitions, because they raise their fighting spirit, warm their souls. They read patriotic messages together in the field tents after their military duty execution.

Community organization “All-Ukrainian organization “39th female self-defence” conducts actions to support ATO soldiers. One of them is entitled “Kids for warriors”. During the action children draw pictures, make souvenirs and amulets; older girls and kid’s mothers write letters of gratitude. USPU students letters were included into a wall-paper under the motto”With wit, soul and beauty”. None of the messages was disregarded, because it has been written from heart and with anxiety about for soldiers’ life. For example: “Hello hero! I’m so proud of your courage! It’s difficult and not a fun for you, but you should know that all the Ukraine is worried about you and believes in victory!”

Пресцентр УДПУ