Kaniv Institute of Humanities of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University created on the basis of the School of Culture and Arts enjoyed the first week of active pedagogical work. How was the beginning of the academic year? Are the students satisfied with the educational and technical facilities and equipment of the institution? Do they feel comfortable in the hostels? These are the questions of concern not only for the administration of the University, the students and their parents, but also for the publicity in Cherkasy Oblast.

As a reminder, the new Institute was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine within the framework of preparation and celebrating of the 200 anniversary of birth of Taras Shevchenko, for preservation of spiritual and cultural heritage of the region of the great Kobzar.

Sergiy Tulub, Head of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, congratulated those present at the solemn opening ceremony of the Humanitarian Institute and said, “Establishment of this institution is another step to the due worshipping of Taras Shevchenko, the genius of the Ukrainian people. Today the Institute welcomes over 100 former high school students and graduates.

A significant amount of hard work of the Executive authorities of regions and cities, groups of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Kaniv School of Culture and Arts contributed to this great event. A great volume of maintenance work on the landscaping of the Institute, the first and second floors of the school building, in particular, library, dining room, classrooms etc. was accomplished.

And so the first days of the school year have passed... The Institute started the training of choreographers, Specialists in fine arts and musical arts, and librarianship Bachelor's Degree Programs.

The students were excited about this event because it is a significant step into the future as the graduates of the Institute have an opportunity to continue studying in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and receive Specialist and Master Diplomas.

The Student Council held a quiz to find out the opinions of the students about the education and accommodation in the dormitory, to hear the relevant comments and suggestions. Here are some of those:

Alina Shevchuk: "Our Institute was renovated, and now the library offers the Internet access. A lot of rooms have become more comfortable and beautiful after the summer holidays. We have the opportunity to learn from the highly competent specialists who always treat us with respect and understanding. I am very happy to have chosen this place for obtaining the future profession."

Alena Sinko: "Friendly staff, excellent teachers who can help us even outside the classes and explain everything. Wonderful dining room open until 17:00, convenient schedule, we do not get tired. The library is nicely renovated and creates a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere for reading and leisure".

Karina Chershyn: "I am satisfied with the studies. The team is creative and friendly and good attitude of teachers is so helpful. Each student is entitled for a room in the student dormitory, and for scholarships".

In addition it is worth mentioning that:

There is a nine-storey dormitory for the students. For residing in a hostel from 01.09.2013 the students pay UAH 155 per month (UAH 1550 per year). It is planned to conduct a significant volume of maintenance work to improve the living conditions in the dormitory .

The tuition for the full-time students is UAH 4500 per a year, for the part-time students is from UAH 2700 per a year. Compared with other universities in Cherkasy region and Ukraine the tuition is quite low.

Next year the Institute of Humanities is planning to start the Bachelor's Programs in Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Tourism.

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