From May 12 to 18, 2024, the International Summer School "Internationalization and Internationalization at Home through Virtual Exchange: Creating a Motivating Environment for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)", organized by the Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu as part of the AMU Summer Schools 2.0 project was held.

Traditionally, the internship was located in the Pałac w Dębinie, 40 km from the city of Poznan.

During the lectures and workshops, the participants were given an introduction to internationalization, local and global trends and rankings in higher education. The lecturers shared their own experience in developing the COIL project, namely: defining clear goals, setting appropriate objectives, and choosing effective tools for intercultural online collaboration. They focused on learning different formats of COIL, from individual classes to joint courses.

The internship included an excursion to the administrative building and library of the Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Accompanied by a guide, the participants of the international summer school walked through the streets of the Old Town of Poznan, got acquainted with its history, architecture, and culture. They visited the main Square of Poznan, the Staryi Rynok (Old Market), the Town Hall, the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Mary Magdalene. They also visited the Wedel chocolate store and the Palmyarnia in Poznan.

On May 16, the participants also visited the Jan Amos Komenski University of Applied Sciences in Leszno on the occasion of the Patron Saint's Day. During the official ceremony, they laid flowers at the monument to the founder of scientific pedagogy, a prominent philosopher Jan Amos Komensky, and attended a number of celebrations.

We express our gratitude to the organizers and lecturers of the international summer school: Konstantyn Mazur, Katarzyna Radke, Anna Kwasniewska, Joanna Domagala, the administration and staff of Pałac w Dębinie for the incredible experience and unforgettable impressions.

The Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was represented by Liudmyla Dubovyk, a leading specialist of the International Relations Department. The schools' project is funded by NAWA Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej

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