Today is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (officially adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 1, 2005). Students and lecturers of the University conduct educational and memorial events on the theme.

So, in the framework of Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 26, a meeting-requiem had been organized by the representatives of local authorities, witnesses of the events, lecturers and students of Uman Agrarian College and USPU lecturers in Uman Local History Museum. Participants lit candles in memory of Holocaust victims.

Participants spoke about the bitter lessons of World War II. History, assistant professor of General History Chair Olga Barvinok made an overview of documentary and and journalistic sources of the Holocaust, the tragedy of Babyn Yar and other places of mass destruction of Ukrainian Jews of the time of the Nazi occupation.

Director of Ukraine-Israel Centre for Education, Science and Culture of USPU, Philosophy, professor Nataliya Tsymbal stressed on the urgency of preserving the memory and oral history studies and suggested cooperation between cultural and educational institutions in this way.

The Agreement on cooperation was signed between Ukraine-Israel Center for Education, Science and Culture of USPU, Uman Local History Museum and Memorial Complex of the Holocaust and heroism of the Jewish people Yad Vashe - the world-renowned center for study and perpetuate ща the tragedy of the Holocaust.

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