On the 21st of February all the nations and nationalities celebrate International Day of native language. We congratulate everybody on a holiday of our native Ukrainian language – the most melodic, the most melodious, and the most unique language in the world!

Native language is not just simple words. It’s a whisper of sping holt, quail’s voice, tender lullaby song. Language is a soul of nation, everlasting. From classic’s words, she is “like centuries rumbling, noise from ages, breathe of storm…” She didn’t die in the strem of ages to be a part of the other world languages variety. Our language is a golden treasure house of national spirit; owing to it we grow up, live and have a right to be defined as Ukrainian nation.

Let’s respect our language – an important element of cultural consciousness of each person, we should multiply its riches and cleanness.

Let the native word to be for us spiritual source and life talisman. Peace, goodness, prosperity to all of us in Ukraine!

Reference. History of the holiday has, unfortunately, tragical beginning. On the 21st of February, 1952 in Bangladesh authorities violently stopped demonstration against government prohibition of the Bengal language. That day has become a day of killed for native language in Bangladesh. Since that time many years have passed. Only in October 1999 at UNESCO general conference was proclaimed International Day of native language, and beginning from February 21, 2000 this day is celebrated in Ukraine.

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