In late October, Larysa Yovenko and Inna Tereshko, Associate Professors of Ukrainian literature and Ukrainian language represented the University at the "Taras Shevchenko world Ukrainian studies: historical interpretation and contemporary perception" VIII International Congress of Ukrainian Forum devoted to the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko held in scientific, educational and cultural institutions in the capital of our country. Co-organizer of this year's congress was Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

The Congress was opened by the representatives of the Presidential Administration, Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. At the opening ceremony the portraits and canvasses by Taras Shevchenko were exhibited. The exhibits for the exhibition were provided by the "Cossack lands of Ukraine" museum.

The Congress was attended by 500 foreign and domestic scientists from Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Austria, Israel, Canada, the U.S. and other countries. The Congress consisted of 19 sections, 6 round tables and 2 thematic conferences.

The program of the VIII International Congress of Ukraine studies included the roundtables, conferences and presentations. In particular, the philosophical and anthropological views Shevchenko, his figure in the cultural and educational life of Ukraine was in the focus of the discussions. The issue of translations of the works of the poet was also a concern.

The teachers of USPU were active participants in the discussions of "Taras Shevchenko and Ukrainian traditional culture" and "Poetic heritage of Taras Shevchenko - the Past and the Present" they attended the "Flower on the chimney. Wall murals in Uman in the first half of the twentieth century: history, semantics images" presentation of the monograph by Olksxandr Naiden and Inna Hodak.

Additional information: the International Congresses of Ukrainian Studies are held every three years. The members of these representative forums elect the heads of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies, discuss current issues of Ukrainian studies, and summarize the activities for three years. The aim of the Association of Ukrainian Studies according it its statute is to promote the restoration and development of Ukrainian studies, preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine, informing and educating about the cultural heritage and scientific achievements of the Ukrainian people.

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