Training titled “Interdisciplinary Research: What is it?” was organized for the students of the Collegium of Interdisciplinary Individual Humanitarian Studies based in the Polish Cultural and Educational Center. The event was held by IIHS’s tutor, doctor of sciences (Pedagogy), assistant professor Oksana Zabolotna.

Special guest of the training was the Peace Corps Volunteer Lauren McKenzie Reed, who not only shared information about the specifics of interdisciplinary research, but also became a participant of the training. Head of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center Kateryna Kuzan familiarized students with a history of interdisciplinary research.

English was the working language of the event, but our students did not have problems at the IIHS Collegium since they are studying two foreign languages: Polish and English. The training consisted of theoretical and practical parts. The participants were divided into groups to perform the tasks. First of all, each group chose one science (subject), such as philosophy, linguistics or literature, which they needed to present, describing the specifics of each. After this, the training participants received an apple, which was the “subject” to be studies by the science they had chose in the previous task. That is, one group should to present an apple as an object of study in philosophy, the other - in linguistics, the next - in the literature. Finally, the students found that one subject could be spoken about in different viewpoints. Actually, this is the essence of interdisciplinary research.

All participants received certificates of successful completion of “Interdisciplinary Research: What is it?” training. Its effectiveness will be judged later, when the information absorbed and starts to showed itself in the research activities of students. Now, we could affirm that the trainees as future scientists broadened their outlook and necessary knowledge for further development.

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