Social and Pedagogical Education Department and Student Scientific Society organized intellectual and entertaining talk show “I love Ukraine” in the assembly hall of a new building.

The performance was organized in the form of competition between two teams – “The blues” headed by Mykola Grygoriev and “The yellows” headed by Veronica Smitanka. The talk show led Olena Ustenko and Roman Datsko, who supported all the participants. The game consisted of seven stages: “Everything is native, everything is Ukraine”, “No end to Cossacks kin”, “Native tongue is like guelder rose”, “Motherland”, “I believe – I don’t believe”, “Captains competition”, and “Language of statistics”. After each stage was led “Creative minute” to define experts in Ukrainian cultural heritage.

The talk show was observed by a jury which consisted of Professor Dmytro Pashchenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor Galyna Bondarenko, PhD in psychological sciences and Assistant Professor Iryna Vahotska.

In the end Roman Datsko sang the Ukrainian song, making the atmosphere of game more patriotic.

The results of the competition were summed up, winners were defined. The struggle between 2 teams was set until the end of the game, and it was not easy to define the best players. Dean of SPED Assistant Professor, PhD in pedagogical sciences Oksana Kravchenko promulgated the results of performances and rewarded winners. Oksana Kravchenko announced that the patriotic camp “Action” started its work at the department (its activity is especially necessary in our country nowadays). The head of the jury Dmytro Pashchenko made a speech, mentioning that there cannot be winners and defeated in a creative contest. The game was over with 42 points of “The Blues” and 40 points of “The Yellows”, and it didn’t make any disagreements. During the talk show “I love Ukraine” students wanted to prove that Ukraine is a unique and unitary country!

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