It becomes a good tradition to celebrate Independence Day of Turkmenistan at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Our university admits students from the other countries, the most numerous of them are students from Turkmenistan. Being far away from their Motherland, young foreigners celebrated Independence Day at our university. Future pedagogues introduced their country’s culture, demonstrated their talents and skills.

The holiday was introduced by presenters Islamov Namazbay and Aganiyazov Bossan. After performance of anthem of Turkmenistan, pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work Olena Kirdan made a speech. Olena Leonidivna wished foreign students health, happiness, peace and successful studies at our university.

History of independent Turkmenistan had begun 24 years ago. The country of deserts and oases is famous by its history, cultural traditions which could observe guests of the event. The concert program was open by national dance “Gunesh” which means “The Sun”.

The songs about love, their Motherland were performed by talented vocalists Abdykadyrov Ayubek, Joraev Vep.

In the concert program were included interesting humoristic scenes from life of Turkmen. A specific eastern humour made impression on audience.

Unique atmosphere was created by contemporary Turkman clothes collection display. Their national school of modeling and design is developing in Turkmenistan, it wins international competitions. Collection demonstrated by girls transferred all the present to beautiful eastern country.

Turkmenistan is famous by its culture, it combines old traditions and new tendencies. This sunny country is developing economically and in democratic way. The video acquainted the audience with national values and achievements of the eastern country.

All the present were amazed by energetic Turkmen brake-dance, slow waltz and magic national dances “Bilezik” and “Kushtdepdy”.

In the end of the concert program the welcoming speech made head of Student Council Yevgenia Koltsova and members of ensemble of national dance “Yavoryna” (director – Sergiy Kutsenko) who presented Ukrainian national dance.

The celebration of Independence Day of Turkmenistan was concluded with rewarding. Pro-rector in scientific work and international cooperation Vladylena Sokyrska delivered honorary diplomas to students from Turkmenistan for their active participation in social activity of the university, success in studies, high creative potential, organization and conducting of the event.

The festival was merry and brought good emotion. It was reached in great part owing to scenarist, event’s stage director, specialist of Culture and Leisure Activities Centre “Gaudeamus” Tetyana Bondarchuk, waltz producer Iryna Groshovyk and the other concert participators.

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