Recently, lecturers and students at Instrumental Performances Chair participated in scientific and methodic seminar “Urgent problems of playing national instruments in terms of contemporary arts education”, which was held on the basis of T. Shevchenko Uman humanitarian and pedagogical college.

Their reports made doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Olena Ustymenko-kosorich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Vladyslav Gusak, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer Tetyana Radzyvil, lecturer Tetyana Syvak. They raised urgent problems in playing national instruments and their ways of solution.

At the same time lecturers and students of T. Shevchenko Uman humanitarian and pedagogical college and P. Demutskiy Uman Regional Music College received information on admission to Department of Arts at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Guitar duet “Mystery” consisting of Anatoliy Kovalenko and Victoria Tsymbal (art director – Anatoliy Kovalenko) from Instrumental Performances Chair presented a mini concert. The audience liked the performance by guitarists owing to their originality and high professional skills.

Participants of the seminar decided from time to time to conduct similar events on the basis of three educational establishments (T. Shevchenko Uman humanitarian and pedagogical college, P. Demutskiy Uman Regional Music College, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University) to create joint projects, directed towards professional training advancement in the system of Arts Education.

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