On the 24th of February at City Palace of Culture was held a charity festival “Let’s overcome cancer together”.

The charity festival was held under support of mayor of the city Oleksandr Tsebriy and united all the choreographic groups of Uman on the purpose to help a 13-year old boy Vladyslav Kravtsov, who is currently striving against cancer.

Representatives of our university responded to appeal for a help, among them were: national amateur ensemble of contemporary dance “Vizavi” (director – Lyudmyla Androschuk), national amateur ensemble of national dance “Yavoryna” (director – Sergiy Kutsenko). The audience liked their performances.

Positive emotions were also arisen by choreography groups “Druzhky-Podruzhky” and “Step forward (ukr. Krok vpered)” (director – Victoria Globchak), “Drops (ukr. Kraplynky)” (director – Oksana Guchok), entertaining complex “Amarant” (director – Lyubov Drobilko), studio of dances “Butterfly” (directors – Mariana Yarova and Iryna Gut), model ensemble of dances “Zhuravka” (director – Lilia Khomenko), ensemble of contemporary sports dances “Rhythm” (director – Iryna Baklanova).

In the end of the festival head of family and youth department at Uman city council Natalia Vdovychenko delivered choreography groups certificates of gratitude, signed by mayor of the city.

All the costs gathered from the concert will be handed in to mother of Vladyslav Kravtsov by volunteers of students Social and Psychological Service at USPU.

Пресцентр УДПУ