The summer is at its height and it is also a high time for the former high school students and today's applicants. This summer is special for them as is the first step towards the important life choices.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University met the applicants with a warm and sincere atmosphere. Our University is one of the leading educational institutions of the central region of Ukraine that offers not only a high quality education, the most effective and convenient learning, the introduction of exclusive programs and improving the existing ones, but also shaping a good, active and happy personality.

And everyone who visited the University Admissions Committee can feel it. The applicants continue to submit the documents and familiarize themselves with the University. Obviously, the parents and students realize the benefits of studying at our University. Because the teaching staff of the University creates the best conditions for the harmonious development of an individual, encourages commitment to education as well as active leisure. To brighten the life of the students, minimize their idling, widen the variety of choices are the key issues in educational work of USPU. Active educational work is conducted in the hostels. In short, the students are never bored here. The applicants and their parents can check the living conditions in the dorms. Nothing is more convincing than comfortable living conditions in the dormitories, availability of reading halls, dining rooms, sports stadiums and more.

USPU respects the students. It is therefore not surprising that they do not forget it, keep in touch with the University even after graduating. Many of them are still working in their native Alma Mater. And it is also one of the priorities of our institution.

The student life at our University is prospering. And those who come here for knowledge receive much more than they expect to. They become the members of the friendly family and open themselves to the world as well as open a boundless world in themselves.

Good luck to you, dear prospective students of USPU!

Пресцентр УДПУ