Lecturers of pre-school education theory and methodology Tetyana Ducka and Iryna Pidlypnyak took an active part in educational and methodological seminar for pre-primary educational establishments seminar “Health Technologies in Terms of a Contemporary Pre-School Educational Establishment and a Family”, which was held on the basis of Uman pre-primary educational establishment № 23.

The lecturers presented pre-school educators non-traditional health technologies in work with children of pre-school age and paying attention to health technologies in terms of different aged group of kids.

In the basis of the educational system lies comprehensive movement for health preserving. Practical use of the new psychological, pedagogical and methodological investigations gives an opportunity to satisfy a need in movement both of children and pre-school educators.

In general, the problem urgency of children health formation and sickness rate prevention at pre-primary educational establishment assists to HEI students’, pedagogues’ and pre-school educators’ deep learning of health systems. It allows systematizing, developing health pedagogical technologies, effectively forming, preserving, and strengthening health of pre-school children.

Пресцентр УДПУ