It is already the second time Primary Education Department (USPU) conducts the contest “Hallo, we are looking for the talents”. The aim of the competition is creative abilities and potential finding among the students. The representatives of first, third and fourth year students took part in the action this year.

The contest led Anna Kudla, fifth year student.

The organizing committee registered 10 applications from 25 participators. Two basic genres vocal music and fiction reading were represented.

Among outstanding performances it is worth mentioning an author verse reciting by second year student Alyona Piskorska who made up the poetry about her father. He is in ATO zone at the moment.

Forth year student Yulia Maksymenko recited the verse by Lina Kostenko “Mother”.

Among vocal gifted and talented students were first year students Maryna Tyutya who sang the song “Flower” and Yana Gnatyuk who sang the song “I am Ukraine”.

Group 13 drew attention by collective song under the title “This is the land, where I was born and live” execution.

Borys Yakymchuk, dean of the department congratulated contest participators, wished them good luck, and underlined the patriotic atmosphere of the contest. He rewarded the participants with diplomas.

We wish all the participants to develop their talents, take part in the artistic actions of the department, and for those who still hesitate – be more courageous to reveal your abilities!

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