I greet the students of the University, the young people and the ones who are young at heart with a wonderful holiday of the Youth Day!

Priceless is the blooming of youth, the time of huge plans and daring ideas, the time when you can achieve everything you want, when the dreams come true and the strengths seem inexhaustible. It is great that at this time a person gives way to wonderful dreams, gets overwhelmed with brave ambitions, enjoys the youthful energy, unconditionally believes in lofty ideals, and keeps to the fairest, highest principles.

Dear young people! May you carry this belief through your life and stay true to your beliefs. Remember that today every small victory is your key to success in life, and every step is bringing you closer to your dream.

Let your goals be worthy of you, let all the efforts be given for the benefit of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Stay active, acquire knowledge, and work hard on yourself paving your own unique path in life, building great plans for the future and implementing them in life.

I wish you happiness and faith in yourselves. Remember – the youth is rather a state of mind than merely young age. Stay young! I believe in you!

Natalia Pobirchenko