"Future philologist of the twenty-first century" nationwide contest was held in USPU in the framework of the "Formation of national and linguistic identity in terms of lifelong learning" scientific and methodological center. Lidia Mamchur, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of “Formation of national and linguistic identity in terms of lifelong learning" scientific and methodological center greeted the audience of teachers, participants and students.

The contest embraced the following areas: language scientific and methodical plan of a modern lesson; literary scientific and methodical plan of a modern lesson; ethnological, scientific and methodical plan of a modern lesson; scientific and methodological plan of educational activities (language, literature, ethnology).

The contest included 9 fragments of lessons worked out by the 4 year and graduate students of Ukrainian Philology Department. It should be noted that the students realized their great responsibility in the contest. The themes of the fragments of lessons were relevant to the current program, and the goal was formulated according to the strategic objectives of the modern school. Each fragment of the lesson presented a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods, the students applied advanced technologies of education using the latest teaching aids. Overall, the competition proved appropriate level of professional competence of teachers and philologists.

The fragments of contemporary lessons held in the learning environment were evaluated by the jury consisting of Lidia Mamchur, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Iryna Kucherenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of practical linguistics; Liubov Parheta, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Literature and Ukrainian Studies; Valentyna Goncharuk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Ukrainian Literature and Ukrainian Studies; Kateryna Maslyuk, teacher of the Chair of Ukrainian Language and Methods of Teaching.

The Diplomas of "Future Teacher of Philology" was awarded to the following contestants: the first place was won by Maryna Rebriy (group 55) for the lesson in Ukrainian language on "Monosemantic and Polysemantic words. The ambiguity of a word. Polysemy"; the second place was won by Snizhana Shutko (group 55) for Ukrainian language lesson on the theme of “The phrase, difference between separate words and combinations of words, sentences and word form. The main and dependent word in the phrase”; Tatiana Shmalyuh (group 51) for the lesson of Ukrainian Ethnology on the theme “Gender. Family as the highest value of the Ukrainian nation"; the third place was awarded to Tetiana Khlivna (group 44) who presented a lesson in Ukrainian literature on the theme of “Eugene Gutsalo. August Deer”, “The idea of extraordinary view of the world”, Natalia Korzhenetska (group 52) for the Ukrainian language lesson on “Educational oral description of the nature on the basis of personal experience in the art”.

We congratulate the winners and wish them success in implementing their ideas in the future pedagogical work!

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