Nowadays in Ukraine, innovation technologies implementation, organization of educational processes of the youth with special needs, necessity of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social support, architectural access to educational establishments of different types are urgent problems. Therefore, on October 14th, 2014 was held the first open meeting of Students with Special Needs Social and Educational Integration Center in the assembly hall of the university.

In the meeting participated Galyna Kucher, director of Labour Administration and Population Social Protection; PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor Oksana Kravchenko, dean of Social and Psychological Education Department; PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor Maya Perfilieva, coordinator of Students with Special Needs Social and Educational Integration Center; juridical clinics adviser, leading expert in accounting and job placement Oleksandr Grusha; Scientific Library worker Tetyana Maystruck; Students with Special Needs Social and Educational Integration Center psychologist Alyona Zavalko and a volunteer of the Center Anna Didenko.

At the meeting were considered the following problems:

  • System of social services concession for people with special needs in the city of Uman;
  • Social and Educational integration of the youth with special needs into higher education;
  • Rights protection of invalid people in higher educational establishments conditions;
  • Students with special needs acquaintance with access to information resources.

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