First International scientific symposium on topical issues of implementation of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism in Ukraine was held in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Experts from different areas discussed the most important issues on the mentioned theme. According to the requirements of the UN Convention on the handicaped people rights, today the issue of implementation of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism is actual in Ukraine. The symposium participants discussed the problems of implementation of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism, analyzing them from the point of view of the tourism industry, medical and social rehabilitation and social work. Scientists define inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism as a system of measures aimed at the restoration and development of physical, social, spiritual, artistic and intellectual life of a person on the basis of physical and mental capabilities to facilitate their integration into society.

Well-known social activists with disabilities - President of the Benevolent Foundation on Computer and Innovative Technologies for people with disabilities "AZH" Yulia Resenchuk and ATO soldier, student of Social and Psychological Education Department Vitaliy Vladyka were among the invited guests. Pedagogics, assistant professor of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Chair of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Maya Perfileva informed about an inclusive tourism as the work direction of the Centre of Social and Educational Integration "Without Barriers".

A pleasant surprise was from the participants of choreographic team "Vizavi" (headed by Ph.D., associate professor, head of Choreography and Artistic Culture Chair Liudmyla Androshchuk). Together with a student with a disability from the Department of Social and Psychological Education Anna Khomenko they presented choreographic composition "Dream"

As the results of the First International scientific and practical symposium, the resolution with the proposals for the application of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism in all spheres of life of persons with disabilities will be submitted to the relevant departments.

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