On February, 23 was held a festive opening of Museum of Zoology (2 Sadova Street, building №1, room 112) on the basis of Natural Sciences and Geography Department. The Museum was open under support of university administration and Biology ant its Teaching Methods Chair. This event confirms that our university creates the best conditions for organization of research work for teachers, students, and scientists.

Museum of Zoology is a scentific, educational, cultural and ecological subdivision of Pavlo Tychyna USPU. It has been created of materials, gathered since 50 years during expeditions and field probations by famous zoologists Maria Falteson, Olga Kornienko, Kateryna Ischenkova, Andriy Danylyuk, Mykola Koval, Anatoliy Tkachenko, Hanna Goncharenko and students.

The Museum was opened by acting rector, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Bezlyudnyi and director of Institute of Natural, Mathematical and Technologic Education, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Kobernyk.

The event began with welcoming speech of dean of Natural Sciences and Geography Department Ruslan Yakymchuk. According to his words, the aim of the Museum creation was honouring of a famous scientist Mykola Koval and systematization of his collection, its using in educational and scientific environment. Museum of Zoology is a unique scientific centre; it’s the first suchlike museum in Uman.

The welcoming speech made Zoology Museum co-initiator, professor Oleksandr Kobernyk. He mentioned that opening of the Museum is evidence to development of Natural Sciences and Geography Department. Oleksandr Mykolayovych expressed his expectation on scientific, research and educational activity of the department, which would stimulate university biologists to work creatively.

Acting rector Oleksandr Bezlyudnyi in his speech accentuated importance of the Museum opening for life of the Department, the Institute and the University in general. The museum is named after Mykola Fedorovych Koval – scientist ornithologist who initiated training of biologists at our university. Mykola Koval was a highly qualified specialist, well-known in Ukraine. He paid much attention to Uman; he was first who described birds of dendrological park Sofiivka. For 30 years the pedagogue was transmitting knowledge to his students, taught them to understand world, love and appreciate life. Besides, Mykola Fedorovych is a talented poet. Few people know that his poetic collections have been published several times.

Among speakers were scientists of the university, who had chance to work with Mykola Koval – candidate of pedagogical sciences Volodymyr Shuldyk, candidate of biological sciences Hanna Goncharenko. According to them, Mykola Fedorovych was a good specialist and hard-working scientist, who contributed in the development of Ukrainian science. His daughter, Lesya Mistriukova is a director of the museum; she continues her father’s work.

Pro-rector in scientfic and pedagogical work Vladylena Sokyrska thanked associates for their willingness to continue the great scientist’s work and wished the workers of the musem prosperity and scientific achievements.

The event was prolonged by mini excursion around museu, which was conducted by second-year student of Natural Sciences and Geography Department Tetyana Davydyuk.

The museum enlists stuffed birds, entomological collections and fixed objects. There are at about 400 species of spinals and invertebrates: fish, reptiles, birds, mammals, Arthropodas, etc. There are both typical to our region species, such as hooded crow, rook, jackdaw, and rare species. Museum is proud of its unique collection of tropical butterflies, birds’ eggs collection, which was collected by students during field probation. Electronic catalogue was made for registration of zoological specimen.

Museum is actively used during laboratory and practical courses, special courses, pedagogical probation period. Museum is used as a basis for research work of scientists, PhD students, students; it is also used for organization of competitions in biology and ecology. The Museum supplies Uman region general education schools with visual aids. It is visited by our university students, school pupils, guests from other univesities, students of city ecological and natural centre.

On the basis of the museum under the guidance of associate professors of Biology and its Teaching Methods Chair Lesya Mistriukova, Lyubov Sobolenko and lecturer Svitlana Grabovska work 3 problem groups.

M. F. Koval Museum of Zoology collaborates with NAS of Ukraine National Zoology Museum at I. I. Shmalgauzen NAS of Ukraine Institute of Zoology, Uman Regional Ethnography Museum and other museums of zoology in Ukraine.

M. F. Koval Museum of Zoology is requirement of contemporary world for level increase of scientific and educational work with students. We wish the Museum workers success and interesting scientific developments.

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