At USPU cultural and educational centre took place a meeting of Student Councils of Uman and the other cities in Cherkassy region. The meeting was initiated by Cherkassy State Technology University. The guests of the meeting were representatives of T. Shevchenko Uman Humanitarian and Pedagogical College, Uman Medical College, P. Demutskiy Uman Regional School of Musics, Uman National Horticulture University (UNHU), Agrotechnical College and Cherkassy State Technology University.

The youth discussed problems which interested students in friendly and informal situation. Nowadays student self-government body changes from formal attribute of democracy to an important instrument of student self-organization, its activity became necessary for social life. Student Councils perform functions of initiators and organizers of student life. Student self-government plays an important part in organization of educative work at educational establishments.

Thus, at the meeting of student councils in the region took place experience exchange. The girls and boys discussed rights and possibilities of Student Council such as, financing, own buildings, office appliances, subventions for living at hostels. It is not the only thing which matters students of colleges and universities. “Let’s decide together! Let’s be in the epicenter of all events!” – was a motto of the conference. Representatives from HEI shared their experience on their achievements.

The progressive youth develops constantly. Students organize active leisure activities: interesting scientific and entertaining projects, sports competitions, quests, parties – everything that students are fond of.

About interesting events and projects at USPU told members of student self-government body – head of Student Council Yulia Pokholiuk and a member of Student Council Diana Podreza. They were speaking about thematic cinema, informal meetings with administration of the HEI, publishing the brochure “Artistic Front” and the newspaper “StudLife”, activity of national and patriotic camp “Action” and volunteer sector, charity fair books, meetings with famous and interesting people of different professions, creative collectives, bright personalities, etc.

The workers of pedagogical universities have good partner relations with pedagogues and students, common solving of urgent nowadays problem. Superiority is given to events, where the youth displays their activity and creative initiative.

USPU students initiate many charity and social projects. A lot of charity actions were organized on the purpose to help soldiers in ATO and families of perished, and also children orphanage. In Cherkassy region became popular social and choreographic projects of USPU, such as “Right for Life” against spreading of drug addiction, and many other events of national and patriotic character. These creative groups raise interest in students of the other HEI, who underline creativity and mobility of USPU Student Council.

“The Youth is our future”, a famous saying from the past. Our youth receives a lot of knowledge. It is ready for changes and progressive transformations; the youth is patriotic and loves Ukraine, its hardworking people, unsurpassed beauty of the country. Our students are ready to make a step forward into the third millennium. Much depends upon its self-consciousness as it is the youth that builds a new state!

Пресцентр УДПУ