In the framework of All-Ukrainian ecology action “Don’t fell New Year’s Tree” on the basis of scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” at Nature and Geography department of USPU on the initiative of professor Svitlana Sovhira and assistant professor Ganna Goncharenko was conducted an exhibition of hand-made fir trees. The action is organized the forth time (once a year).

Its aim is popularization of nature protection, development of creative initiative, cognitive activity and alternative arts in the university, using alternative New Year’s compositions in order to preserve conifers.

Many students expressed their wish to join New Year’s experiments and create alternative to fragrant tree. It was nice that many students expressed their desire to participate in New Year’s experiments of alternative fir tree. Students of Nature and Geography Department, Department of Economics, Technology and Pedagogy Department presented their works at the exhibition. Their works were amazing and impressed by variety of techniques and creative ideas in mking up the beauty.

The alternative fir trees, presented at the exhibition, were grouped in three categories. The first – economic and profitable fir trees; the second – fir trees based on utilization of food (candies, noodles, sugar, coffee); the third – works made of materials (paper, glue, cloth, threads, glasses, plastic, etc.). Each fir tree was unusually beautiful! Among them there was an interesting work “Fir tree of Maidan 2014”.

The forth exhibition proved that student’s imagination grows each year and we can only picture out the fir trees of the next year. Besides, a hand-made fir tree is a good present to New Year’s Day. It’s nice that the idea of making up alternative fir trees is supported by general educational schools and pre-school educational establishments, organizations, etc.

Head of trade union committee Oleksandr Osadchiy expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the exhibition.

Therefore, we invite you to visit the exhibition, which works during first decade of February, and we hope that the festive compositions will inspire you to make up your own.

Пресцентр УДПУ