On the 6th of July all the football fans rejoiced .... Uman State Pedagogical University opened a playground for mini-football with artificial turf.

The opening ceremony was held on the playground within the "Uman as the Cultural Capital of Ukraine" cultural and artistic project launched by Anton Yatsenko, the People’s Deputy of Ukraine. It should be noted that the football field is restored and remodelled with the help of Anton Yatsenko jointly with the USPU.

The honorable mission of opening the field, cutting the tape was placed on Anton Yatsenko, the People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector and Oleg Androshchuk, a pupil of the young children's sports school.

The first hit on the ball together with the People’s Deputy is going to be a memorable experience for the young football player. And the pupils of youth and children’s sports school as well as the students of Physical Training Department of USPU showed the audience their skills playing the game on the new field.

The public applauded while watching the friendly matches between the national teams of the University (coach Oleg Androschuk) and the teams of the youth sports school of Uman (coached by Gennadiy Lisoviy and Oleksandr Kazanyuk). In the future this football field will be the place of competitions not only for the student but also for the school teams and all sports fans.

This is a very important event for all students, pupils, the media and the publicity of the city.

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