Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University library – is one of the biggest in our city, it has a long and interesting history. The library began its functioning with Uman Social Education Institute in 1930, that is to say, the library is of the same age with our University.

As one of the main subunits of the university, the Scientific library (Tatyaba Grygorenko, director, Olena Usatyuk, deputy director) supplies lecturers, students and other stuff with educational and scientific books. It is done rapidly and attentively. The library is divided into 4 sections: book acquisition and scientific documents processing; service; informational and bibliographical; information and computer technology. All these sections cooperate and present a unique organism.

The library fund contains valuable literature and information resources of the university. To work with the library fund is one of the main tasks of book acquisition and scientific documents processing section (manager – Valentyna Ustymenko). It is responsible for the selection and book acquisition which are in need for educational work of the university. Librarians carry out scientific and technical incomings processing, supply scientific library fund with educational literature. The book acquisition and scientific documents processing section acquires documents in all data medium, does individual and total calculation of library fund, scientific processing and documents systematization.

The main tasks of service section (manager – Zoya Kravchuk) are information and bibliographical supply of students and the university workers with literature according to their needs and interests. The section consists of subscription center and 6 reading rooms, it has at about 10540 registered users.

A lot of attention is paid to individual sevice, new forms and methods with students are introduced. Librarians possess business communication skills; they conform to the needs of each reader. Prestige of the scientific library and librarian profession depends upon service quality which is built on the basis of mutual respect and understanding. Through library-reader cooperation are settled equal and partner relationships with lecturers and students, atmosphere of psychological comfort, trust and openness. Therefore, service section work is directed to full information need satisfaction of all the users which promotes to outlook formation.

Informational and bibliographical section (manager – Tatyana Kravchenko) is responsible for reference and information service of all readers’ categories, and according to educational and scientific work. The personnel organizes students, workers and aspirants needs information study. The fund of the section contains encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, and bibliographical indices of various branches and thematic fields. The section offers library fund services, reference and bibliographical apparatus, spreads librarian knowledge.

Information and computer technology section activities (manager – Tatyana Naikus) are aimed at modern computer technology introduction and mastering, own electronic resources creating, accessible to everyone electronic library resourses using, library data base management. One of the most important components of informational and educational environment development is transition to new educational process organization forms based on new computer technologies and information systems introduction.

It may seem that librarian job is simple and easy. In fact, this job has a lot of difficulties. In the library work people who are ready even to self-sacrifice, because they are real enthusiasts.

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