Oksana Gerasimenko, Head of Education Department of the City Council of Uman sent the following letter to Natalia Pobirchenko, Professor, Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University:

Dear Natalia S.!

Department of Education of Uman City Council expresses the gratitude to Olena Dudnyk, the Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Associate Professor, Dmytro Baldynyuk, Head of Music Department, Associate Professor, Olga Musyka, Head of Fine Arts Department, Associate Professor, Lyudmila Androschuk, Head of Choreography and Culture Department, Associate Professor, and the teaching faculty for joint research, training and methodological work carried out during the school years of 2012-2013 in order to update and improve the content of art education, its forms, methods and technology of education, training of teachers, modern educational testing, innovation and information technology, research and implementation of long-term teaching experience.

As one of the priority directions in the art education, methodical association of teachers of music, fine arts, and choreography of secondary educational institutions presented the following social and cultural projects created by the teachers and students of the Department: "The Nutcracker", "Cinderella's Adventures in USPU" (supervisor - Ludmyla Androschuk , Associate Professor), "Recall the magic sounds of waltz..." (sponsors and Artistic Directors of creative teams: Ludmila Androschuk, Professor, Nadiya Baldynyuk Senior Lecturer, Vladyslav Gusak, Associate Professor, Vira Kalabska, Senior Lecturer, Anatoliy Kupchyk, Senior Lecturer, Olga Musyka, Associate Professor, Zoya Syrota, Associate Professor, Vsevolod Syrota, Associate Professor, Leonid Yatlo, Associate Professor, Ludmila Yatlo, Senior Lecturer).

The teachers were presented "The beauty of songwriting creativity" artistic and educational project dedicated to the year of children's art, prepared by Valentyna Gavrilchenko, a Master student as well as the students of Arts and Pedagogics Department (Head - Zoya Syrota, Associate Professor). The materials of the project are summarized in the teaching aids for teachers of art schools: "Technology of projective modeling in art education" (authors are the teachers of the Department) and "the beauty of songwriting creativity" (Valentyna Gavrilchenko, supervisor - Zoya Syrota, Associate Professor).

The City Department of Education thanks the faculty of Arts and Pedagogics Department (Zoya Syrota, Associate Professor, Vasyl Semenchuk, Associate Professor, Vira Kalabska, Senior Lecturer, Ludmila Androschuk, Associate Professor, Olga Musyka, Associate Professor, Valentyna Gavrilchenko, Master student) for conducting "The beauty of songwriting creativity" regional scientific-methodical seminar, and Nadiya Baldynyuk, Senior Lecturer for "The principle of the unity of the technical and the artistic as a means of creative expression of a personality in the vocal and choral art".

A series of master classes for teachers of arts, like "Nutcracker in a new way" (Ludmila Androschuk, Associate Professor), "Improving authentic sound reproduction in the process of studying the folk songs" Vasyl Semenchuk (Associate Professor), "Group learning to play the string instruments' (Vira Kalabska, Senior Lecturer), "Petrikivsky rozpys technique" (teacher - Anatoly Korol), "Methods of making ceramic folk toys" (Volodymyr Lopushan, Senior Lecturer) was very interesting. And as part of the Junior Academy of Folk Art there were "Traditional ceramic toy" (Volodymyr Lopushan, Senior Lecturer), "The Art of Singing" (Nadiya Baldynyuk, Senior Lecturer) projects.

"Song Wreath Memory" artistic and patriotic campaign dedicated to the songs of the Great Patriotic War held by Nadia Baldynyuk, Senior Lecturer of music with a group of students of secondary schools № 1, 4, 7, urban high school, deserves gratitude and deep respect.

We hope for further cooperation in the training of future specialists in the artistic and aesthetical sphere.