On the 21st of April in the entrance hall of the building №1 was held an ecology exhibition-fair of paintings “Transform Waste Products into Arts”. The event was organized by scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education”, headed by assistant professor Hanna Honcharenko and professor Svitlana Sovhira. The exhibition was dedicated to International Day of Earth, which is celebrated on the 22nd of April all over the world to spread community influence on ecology policy.

The compositions were made by II-IV year students of Nature and Geography Department. Each work was original wit its conceptual approach. In making up their pictures, the students used beads, thread, tissue; sawdust, food (tea, sugar, salt, laurel, peeled grains, pepper, coffee), waste products of everyday life (polyethylene packets, wrappers from candies, dry tree branches, photos, wax and plasticin. Some of the paintings were made in quelling style.

an ecology exhibition-fair of paintings visited representatives of the university administration, lecturers, students and Polish delegation. First pro-rector, professor Andriy Gedzyck approved the initiative of the university ecologists saying that ecology problems solving demand taking efforts, dedicated to preservation of national wealth. Andriy Mykolayovych appealed to be responsible, concerning problems of environment.

An ecology exhibition-fair of paintings “Transform Waste Products into Arts” propagates nature protection and ecological security, stimulates the youth to give second life to waste products, attracts society’s attention to using the waste products. This year it pursued one more aim – to collect money in support of a disabled student at Social and Psychology Education Department Anna Khomenko.

The event reached its aim. The students demonstrated their fantasy, skills and talents for making up paintings, and the costs, collected from selling the paintings the organizers would give to the student.

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