On the 24-27 of July the IV nationawide festival of classical music was taking place in the village of Dzenzelivka Mankivka Raion. This village is well - known for its history and culture. The festival was initiatiated by the students of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.

The founder, Director, Producer of the cultural project is Pavlo Lysiy, a native of Dzenzelivka who has won the first place in the piano contest in Paris this year.

The program of the festival includes the concerts of foreign and Ukrainian music as a gift to the modern village people who have no opportunity to attend metropolitan concert halls. Therefore, the visitors of the festival are the countrymen of Pavlo Lysiy. This festival – generous summer the Dzenzelivka evenings of classical music were attended by the students and faculty of Arts and Pedagogics Department headed by Olena Dudnyk, the Dean.

Guests were impressed with the talent and skill of Igor Ermak (playing the flute).

Professionalism of violinist Orest Smovzh.

Amazing melodies performed by clarinettist Pavlo Pashynskiy.

Denys Sigarov playing the Bandura and performing vocals, piano performances of Pavlo Lysiy.

The teachers had a wonderful meeting with Olga Konovalenko, the chief editor of the "Education" weekly newspaper, a fan of talented students of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy.

The IV nationwide festival of classical music is unique and the only one that takes place in an ordinary village due to the contribution of the younger generation of intellectuals of Ukraine into the cultural education of the population of our region. It is a good example for the students of the Department to introduce the culture and art in their native village.

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