On September the 7th Dmytro Tabachnyk, the Minister of Education of Ukraine had a working trip to Cherkasy and visited Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. He was accompanied by Tetiana Pritchenko, the Deputy Head of Cherkasy Regional State Administration, and Galyna Havryliuk, the Director of the Department of Education and Science of Cherkasy Regional State Administration.

The official was warmly greeted by the University administration headed by Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector, and the students. The meeting was almost two hours long. During this time the Minister got familiarized with the educational and research facilities and infrastructure, the modern technical equipment, the social and living conditions in the dormitories, the scientific library etc. The Minister visited a number of research and teaching laboratories, the student cafeteria, gyms, language laboratories, and computer rooms.

The activity of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center at Pavlo Tychyna USPU was a special interest of the Minister. The active participation of the students and faculty in the international educational and scientific programs was appreciated.

After seing the research laboratories ("Pedagogical Studies", " Ethnology of Cherkasy region") and a "Ukrainian towel" master - class the Minister was convinced that the strong ethnological direction of the University can be a kind of "highlight" of the institution.

During the warm and sincere conversations with the students, leading academics, and Department Deans the Minister raised some problematic issues, including the questions about the first jobs of the future professionals, the competitive situation of different specialties during the admission preparation, informed everyone about the measures taken by the Government to support the students and the young scientists in general.

Summing up the staff meeting results the Minister thanked the scientific and pedagogical employees and personally the Rector Natalia Pobirchenko for the powerful step forward in all spheres of life made by Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. "I am impressed. Moreover that my visit was a surprise for the University , you didn’t expect it and were not prepared for it specifically. I am very pleased with everything. Thank you for your hard work ", said the hohorable visitor. .

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