We congratulate you on the day of liberation of our country from the Nazis.

We are grateful to those who fought our freedom, to the known and unknown heroes of the liberation battle, all veterans of World War II, we bow our heads before their immortal feat. Let us honor the memory and eternal glory of the heroes who died for the liberation of our native land! I bow before the dear fellow veterans of the battle against the invaders. Their memories, stories about the war are a living history for the younger generations, an example of magnanimous service to the Motherland.

70 years passed since the day when the aggressors stepped foot on our land. The Uman residents have been living and working in the peaceful surroundings for seven decades. We wish everyone continuation of peace and prosperity, fulfillment of dreams, happiness, health, confidence in a better future. May the warmth and comfort of family home protect you from troubles, may you always enjoy many useful and peaceful endeavors y in the years to come.

Trade Union
Student Council