These days the European community celebrates Day of Europe.

Choosing European way of development Ukraine actively joins to celebration of Day of Europe, which appeared among the other holidays in 2003 (according to № 339 order of President of Ukraine from April 19, 2003).

Day of Europe remembers European countries about close collaboration which is based on common system of values, formation of political, economic, cultural relations. Experience of Day of Europe in Ukraine celebration shows that this day plays an important part in Ukrainian community opinion development on our state’s future in European family of nations.

On the occasion of Day of Europe celebrating our university, which collaborates with educational establishments from different countries, has planned some cultural and educational projects, cultural and sports events, lectures, exhibitions of books, etc.

Director of Polish cultural and educational centre, head of General History and Law Chair, professor of USPU Ihor Kryvosheya participated in International Conference in Czynstochowy (Polish Republic) “Fortresses in Europe of XVIII century: Rzeczpospolita of two nations and neighbouring countries”. The conference was organized by History Institute of Yann Dluhosh Academy in Czynstochowy, Polish Historical Society, History Department at Uman State Pedagogical University, State Historical and Architectural Preserve “Old Uman”. Interesting reports on history, structure and peculiarities of XVIII century fortresses were presented at the scientific forum by scientists from Central and Eastern Europe. At the plenary meeting Ihor Kryvosheya talked on history of Uman fortress. The conference confirmed the productive collaboration of Polish and Ukrainian HEI, which began in 2008.

Polish cultural and educational centre has planned an event “Poland and Ukraine: together in Europe”, which will be held on the 18th of May (at 16.00, room 407, building №3).

USPU students actively participated in the sportive action – cycle race, organized by Uman city council to Day of Europe in Ukraine. The cycle race perticipants drove from picture gallery – Kolomenska Street – Leninska “Iskra” Street – Urytskyi Street – Horkyi Street – Lenin Street – city’s central square.

Day of Europe is a holiday of unity. For us, Ukrainians, whose state is a geographical, cultural and scientific centre of Europe, today it is important to be united. We continue to fight for values, which are necessary for integration to Europe.

From ancient times our state is following principles of liberty and freedom, rights prevail, respect for people, which are immanent to many nations. Such features as national identity, progressiveness, patriotism, democracy development testify to the fact that we are Europeans.

On the occasion of Day of Europe we wish everybody peace, solidarity, goodness and prosperity, patience and firmness for Ukraine’s becoming really European country! Reference. The Europian Union decided to celebrate Day of Europe in 1985 at the meeting of European Council in Milan. Until 1997 this holiday was mostly directed towards arts and cultural activities and was restricted. In 1997-1998 the celebration of the holiday joined states-candidates for membership in EU. The celebration in these countries has political character and is directed towards support of EU entering. There were held regional conferences, round tables, public debates and discussions, speeches on TV and radio; information campaign; cultural and entertainment programs, sports competitions, etc. Ukraine is the only country, which is not the member of the EU, but celebrates Day of Europe on the state level.

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