On September the 7th the University delegation headed by Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector went to the village of Bashtechky in Zhashkiv Raion to take part in the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the school there.

Many honored guests were present. Amoung them: Dmytro Tabachnyk, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Tetiana Pritchenko, the Deputy Head of Cherkasy Regional State Administration, Galyna Havryliuk, the Director of the Department of Education and Science of Cherkasy Regional State Administration and other officials.

The school is always proud of its graduates. Among them there are people who are well-known in Cherkasy Oblast and Ukraine, including Omelian Parubok, the twice Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Deputy of Ukraine. There are also well-known scientists, business and government agency administrators, members of the Regional Council. Nearly thirty graduates connected their lives with education and became teachers and educators of the younger generation.

The guests voiced their congratulations and the school accepted the anniversary gifts. Natalia Pobirchenko, Rector of Pavlo Tychyna USPU, expressed her sincere congratulations to her colleagues. She said, " Many generations of teachers and students have established schools, greatly contributed into the education, promoted creative and intellectual potential of the younger generation during the century.

It's nice that you show a rapid development, keep up with the times, pay a considerable attention to the gifted children and enlighten them about the best of science and art. Be proud of your graduates!

Congratulations on the wonderful and exciting holiday!

We wish you creative inspiration, always prospering, successful implementation of all projects, optimism, maintaining and enhancement of school traditions, new bright historical events, significant achievements in the name of education and prosperity of Ukraine. "

Happy anniversary, dear colleagues!

Пресцентр УДПУ