Choreography groups “Vizavi” and “Yavoryna” at Choreography and Fine Arts Chair (Department of Arts) took part in IV All-Ukrainian festival of instrumental, vocal, choreography, theatre arts and fashion theatre “Blossoming country” in the framework of creative project “Triumph-Fest”. In the festival also participated groups all over Ukraine: Kolomyia, Kryvyi Rih, Odesa, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Uman.

National amateur ensemble of contemporary dance “Vizavi” was entrusted a mission to open the festival with a choreography composition “Seasons of the year”. Director of “Vizavi” – assistant professor Lyudmyla Androschuk – was a head of jury.

National amateur ensemble of national dance “Yavoryna” (art director – Serhiy Kutsenko) took part in competition program, nomination “national dance” (ensembles) and was awarded by diploma of I grade of All-Ukrainian festival of instrumental, vocal, choreography, theatre arts and fashion theatre “Blossoming country”.

On the same day choreography groups at Choreography and Fine Arts Chair (Department of Arts) took part in I All-Ukrainian festival of folk art, dedicated to a holiday of Protection of the Mother of God “Pokrova-Fest”, which was organized in Nemyriv, sanatorium “Avangard”.

The collectives represented Department of Arts of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University on a good level. They performed dances “Toreador’s mantle”, “Such as you”, (ensemble “Vizavi”), Ukrainian dance “Hopak”, Moldavian – “Spring hora” (ensemble “Yavoryna”).

Congratulations to our choreographers on their achievements! We wish them further success and inspiration”.

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