In March 1944, the encouraging and confident words of Mykola Bazhan, our countryman famous all over Ukraine in the early days of war, were reinforced for the residents of Uman:

    We have a common vow and common will,
    Common goal and common endeavor-
    Never to let our country fall,
    Become the slave of the German tormentor!

This appeal has become a leitmotif that determined the whole course of the battle with the aggressor, which glorified our people for centuries and awarded them with an honorable name of the Winner. The liberation of our native land resulted in a severe slaughter. It was the time of hope, exaltation of spirit for his countrymen. After the military advance of the Soviet troops on the territory of Korsun-Shevchenko bridgehead which began January 24, 1944, it was clear that the Nazis were defeated. The losses were changing into the victories. The Korsun-Shevchenko advancement was compared with the Stalingrad, and the Uman-Batoshan troops finally brought the victory to the army.

The time flies. Seven decades separate us from March 10, 1944 – the lovely spring day when the brave soldiers freed our native Uman from the occupation of the invaders. Fierce battles were flared in the streets but the sign of liberation, the victory banner was already looming over the city.

On the day of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Uman the living heroes were honored near the Obelisk of Glory and those who lost their lives for our freedom were remembered. The representatives of Pavlo Tychyna USPU also participated in the meeting and laid the flowers at the foot of the memorial. With firm steps, the cadets of the military department solemnly carried the garland to the mall of the Heroes.

Though 70 years have passed since that day of March the 10th, the memory of the great deeds of our people who brought the victory to the altar of the countless victims who discovered the wondrous deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice is inherent in the future generations. Ukraine was assigned one of the most tragic roles in unprecedented and brutal confrontation of tens of countries. It was twice swept by the horrible tornado of war - during the defense and the liberation offensive. Those who fell on the battlefield, was killed by the Nazi genocide, died of diseases and wounds will always remain in the memory and hearts of people.

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