"Oleksa Voropay Memorial (1913-1986)" National Scientific Conference with the participation of international scholars was held on October the 24. Successful organization of the conference contributed to a thorough preparatory work of the Department of Ukrainian literature and Ukrainian Philology Department.

The conference was attended by Ukrainian scientists from the M. T. Rylsky Institute of Art, Folklore Studies and Ethnology Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv University named after Boris Hrinchenko, Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Odessa National Maritime University, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk, researchers of Uman museum, teachers of secondary schools in the city and district, young scientists, graduate students and distinguished foreign guests - Patmar Edison, the People’s Academician of Chuvashia, a member of the International community of Writers' Unions and Umebayasi Masaki, Ph.D. in History, Attache of the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine.

The participants in the plenary and breakout sessions discussed the vital problems, namely:

  • Oleksa Voropay: the epoch, the people, the heritage.
  • Oleksa Voropay as an ethnographer, folklorist, patriot and public figure.
  • Encouraging the pupils and students to preserve the ethnic and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people.
  • History of regional Ukrainian studies: landmarks and personalities.
  • Ukraine studies in today's educational environment of Ukraine.

The very first plenary sessions encouraged a very lively and interesting scientific discussion. Natalia Syvachuk, the Head of the Char of Ukrainian literature, Ph.D., Professor drew attention to the issue of national and patriotic education of youth. Mykola Dmitrenko, Doctor of Philological Sciences from the M. T. Rylsky Institute of Art, Folklore Studies and Ethnology Institute, spoke about the meaningful contribution to folklore made by Oleksa Voropay. The scientist said that the main work of Oleksa Voropay – the "Manners of our people" (1966, Munich) two-volume ethnographic essay combines the scientific principles and popularity and is one of the best Ukrainian ethnographic works of the XX century.

The participants were delighted to listen to Edison Patmar, the People’s Academician of Chuvashia, the member of the International Community of Writers' Unions who spoke about the importance of Ukrainian -Chuvash folkloristic links with much honor.

Valentyna Koval, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Ukrainian language and methods of training, Director of the Institute of Philology and Social Studies summarized the plenary session and stressed that this event revealed the greatness of the individuality of Oleksa Voropay - the man who was keen on folklore and loved his homeland with all his heart.

The highlight of the conference was the presentation of symbolic gifts to the honored guests. On behalf of the USPU faculty and students Natalia Mamchur, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Ukrainian literature and Ukraine studies presented Edison Patmar with an embroidered towel of Uman "The seaman talking with a girl on the deck" made by the students at "Ukrainian towel" master - class. Mykola Dmytrenko who comes from Vinnytsia, received an embroidered shirt with authentic pattern in tradition of black and white pattern.

Participants of the conference have noted that the artistic heritage of Oleksa Voropay is noticeable phenomenon of domestic ethnography, it is versatile and yet unexplored. Therefore, the maximum research work in the study of heritage of Oleksa Voropay is vital today!

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