October 31 there was an open day for graduate schools and colleges Uman, Bila Tserkva, Vinnytsia, Tulchin at the Institute of Child Development at USPU. The graduates had the opportunity to talk with professors and Institute authorities - director, deans, heads of departments and student leaders.

On this day Arts and Pedagogics Department (Dean – Olena Dudnyk, Associate Professor), Department of Primary Education (Dean - Boris Yakymchuk, Associate Professor) and the Preschool and Primary Education Department (Dean - Svitlana Popychenko, Associate Professor) warmly welcomed their potential students.

Olena Dudnyk, Director of the Institute, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor welcomed the future students. She talked about the priorities of USPU and its successful integration into the system of European higher education. She noted that the students have all the necessary facilities for learning: top-notch technical equipment, classrooms and labs, computer labs, a modern Library with Internet access. Also, Svitlana Cymbal – Slatvinska, the Head of career development and career guidance department spoke about the benefits of education and admission procedure of the University.

The future students received the musical greetings from creative teams and solo vocalists of the Institute. In particular, the performances of "Visavi" Modern Dance amateur folk ensemble (directed by - Lyudmila Androschuk), "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble (directed by Sergiy Kutsenko), "Namysto" vocal ensemble (directed by Lyudmila Yatlo).

At the departments the guests got familiarized with the information about the areas of training, the organization of the scientific and educational work, the leisure and everyday life of students, material and technical facilities of each unit.

The initiators of the Open Day have created a warm atmosphere and maximum comfort to discover the higher educational institution.

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