To commemorate participants in Revolution of Dignity (according to Order of President of Ukraine “On commemoration of Revolution of Dignity’s heroes and Celestial Hundred” from the 11th of February 2015) were held thematic events at different departments of our university on Day of Heroes of Celestial Hundred.

Thus, students of group 22 at History Department prepared a thematic exposition under the guidance of curator Igor Opatskiy “In the line of Fire”, which informed on the events that stirred up the hole world.

The exposition was divided into parts. One of the parts consisted of information on events of Revolution of Dignity by all-Ukrainian newspaper “Day (ukr.Den`)”. It included neat headlines, profound thoughts, and expressive photos, predictions by experts and participants in the revolution during December 2013 – February 2014.

The events of action (the 21st of November 2013 – the 23rd of February 2014) were presented in photos under the title “Chronology of Revolution of Dignity”.

At the exposition were also presented “symbols” of Euro Maidan – barricades, helmets, water cannon, “Molotov’s cocktail”, etc.

The events of Maidan were followed by revolutionary songs that supported and inspired people. These were songs, performed mainly by Ukrainian singers; they will be entered in the history of Revolution of Dignity. Our students made up a list “Music of Maidan” in which were songs by “Ocean Elzy”, “Pikkardiyska Tertsia”, “Skriabin”, etc.

Euro Maidan events stimulated creativity among people. As a result we have many thematic posters, caricatures. There appeared new names in literature.

According to Igor Opatskiy’s words, the aim of the exposition was to commemorate participants in the Revolution of Dignity, remember those revolutionary events and ideals, for which people were fighting and dying. Our responsibility for heroes of Celestial Hundred symbolizes reproduction of the painting by Oleksandr Melnyck “I see your deeds, a human being”.

On the 20th of February (on Day of Heroes of Celestial Hundred) students of History Department organized an action in the downtown. They presented citizens of Uman postcards on events of 2013-2014 and perished compatriots, who were fighting for Ukraine’s dignity, European future.

At Foreign Languages Department was held a public meeting-requiem initiated by deputy dean in humanitarian and socialization work Iryna Kholod, student self-government bodies and student’s dean Yulia Chernysh. A public meeting-requiemis a mournful event, dedicated to participants in Revolution of Dignity. Those times are not easy to forget. This tragedy will be always in our hearts. Commemorating Celestial Hundred Heroes, the meeting’s participants mentioned great deeds by Heroes of Cherkassy region – Maksym Horoshyshyn, Yuriy Paskhalin, Vitaliy Smolynskiy, Victor Chernets, Yuriy Parashchuk.

To commemorate courage of our citizens during Revolution of Dignity at Pre-school and Correction Education Department was held a thematic lecture in the form of film watching. While watching chronicles from the film, students remembered events, defending ideals of Ukraine’s democracy and people’s liberty.

At Professional and Technology Education Department students and lecturers were listening to thematic poems, watching documentary scenes. They commemorated Heroes by a minute of silence.

It’s a pity that most of perished in Maidan just began to live. Today, we begin to realize their heroic deeds, the deeds owing to which a new independent nation was born. Ukraine has lost its courage songs and daughters. Let’s be worth of their deeds! Eternal fame to Heroes!

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