A real event for Ukrainian Philology Department was a meeting with a very interesting person – a famous specialist in literature, professor at National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” – Volodymyr Panchenko.

It was organized with dean’s assistance, professor Valentyna Koval, with the help of Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and their Teaching Methods Chair, Mykola Bazhan literary union named, Scientific and Methodological Centre of Creative Arts named after Stepan Pavlenko.

The event was conducted in the form of lecture, its title roused the curiosity: “Lesia Ukrainka, Mykola Zerov, Mykola Khvylioviy: unexpected stories”. Before the lecture Volodymyr Panchenko made a mini-report about an interesting literature of Uman.

His lecture was very dynamic, vivid, in which theory and practice were combined (the author has been to places described by him).

The professor delivered his lecture in the room 407 (Scientific and Methodological Centre of Creative Arts named after Stepan Pavlenko); the lecture was followed by presentation of the author’s books covers, key moments of his literary and scientific biography. The slides were prepared by assistant professor Leonid Kozynskiy.

In the end of the meeting Volodymyr Panchenko presented Literature room a few books written by him with his autograph.

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