I have never seen any foreign countries
So I do not know any other beauty
Except for what I believe with my heart:
There is no land like ours ...

These words by Vasyl Simonenko are best suitable for us, his countrymen - the true patriots of Ukraine. The patriotism is perhaps the most brightly revealed on the eve of public holidays and significant events and dates like the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birthday and the anniversary of our Oblast.

Among the diverse activities dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Cherkasy Oblast there was also informative and entertaining event organized by the teachers and students of the Sociology and Psychology Department of the University. It consisted of two parts - the official presentation one and the concert.

Everyone was fascinated with the presentations by Liudmyla Shuiska, the senior researcher of the history museum who briefly familiarized the students with outstanding landmarks of history of Cherkasy Oblast, Tetiana Duka, the employee of “Pedagogical country study of Cherkasy Oblast” scientific laboratory who spoke about the local historical works of the members of the pioneer association of the late XIX - early XX century and others. The participants also watched a video about the history of our beautiful region.

Thematic concert included the performances by the students of Uman school № 9 and the students of the Department who recited the poetry of Cherkasy Oblast and the verses by Taras Shevchenko, our great countryman.

This event and the knowledge it offered prove that our native land is famous with important events and outstanding feats of the great people. And it is our duty to know and respect the history.

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