The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informs that in the newspaper “Education of Ukraine (Osvita v Ukraini)” from the 22 of December, 2014 was pulished an announcement on Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University rector post appointment.

In the competition can take part a citizen of Ukraine, who speaks Ukrainian freely, has an academic status and scientific degree, scientific and pedagogical job seniority not less than 10 years.

The deadline of application admission is 2 months from the date of the announcement publication.

People, who want take part in the competition, should add the following documents: the application for competition participation, personal sheet from HR registration with a photo, autobiography, documents on higher education copies, copies of scientific degrees and academic status, certificate on psychological examination (periodical), which is issued according to Obligatory previous and periodical psychological examinations order, approved by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from the 27th of September, 2000 № 1465 (Official herald of Ukraine, 2000, № 39, article 1656), the copy of passport, witnessed by pretender; copy of workbook.

The documents should be sent to the following address: 01135, Kyiv-135, 10 Peremoga avenue, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Telephone for references: 481-32-35.

Пресцентр УДПУ