It is the Athlete Day today. The demand and popularity of sports is justified. After all, it is not just self-organization and discipline, health and youth, it is an element of culture and lifestyle. Sport is life; it is a sign of progress! Today we celebrate the greatness of fortitude, courage and patriotism.

Ukraine has always been famous for its sports talents. Our University boasts a history of sports achievements in particular. The athletes known not only in our country but also abroad study at Physical Training Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. They demonstrate outstanding achievements and become the winners at the prestigious competitions.

Dear athletes, coaches, teachers of the Physical Training Department, veterans and fans of the sport! On the day of your professional holiday we wish you success in the noble endeavor of promoting healthy lifestyle, encouraging the people’s participation in physical training and sports. We wish you good health, family happiness, optimism, inspiration in the implementation of all initiatives and projects, new sports achievements. Let your achievements raise the glory and prestige of Ukraine in the world!

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