Today, at USPU was held Open Doors Day for the university entrants. Such a serious event demanded a serious preparation. Lecturers and students, workers of career guidance department and pre-university education in advance coordinate and conduct preparatory and organization actions for the university entrants and provide them with all necessary information.

Thus, in the assembly hall of the university new building the future students were welcomed and registered. There were at about 700 university entrants from Cherkassy, Vinnytsia, Kirovograd, Kyiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv and Khmelnitsky regions.

There were organized an excursion around the university, watching film about the university. All the present could read information stands and get materials on career guidance. Departments of Arts, Pre-school and Correction Education arranged an exhibition of works by students and lecturers.

The university entrants saw lecture halls, scientific and research laboratories, gyms. Deans of the departments, lecturers and students showed everything around. At meetings of the university entrants and deans of the departments, the latter were presented; the detailed information on separate directions of training was given. The university entrants were interested in programs of international collaboration, in particular, international probation periods abroad, military preparation and leisure activities.

The most objective characteristic of the Alma-Mater was given by its students. Representatives of Student Council told about activities of self-government bodies. At our university there are different students organizations (Student Council, Student Trade Union, Student Scientific Society) that help each student to develop and make the university life interesting and bright. There are also Student Social and Psychological Service (at SPED), sports sections, QWC (ukr. KVN) teams, creative organizations. The social and cultural structure of HEI is comprised of Student Club, general university artistic groups and bands that are already conferred honorary status “national”.

The main thing for the university entrants is to get information on entrance campaign for 2016-2017 academic year, which was explained by workers of career guidance department and pre-university education. They answered to all entrants’ questions.

The university has its advantages – a big number of state places, quality of knowledge, theoretical and practical training, equipments and resources. The administration of USPU makes the learning process both useful and interesting. The guests of the university denoted that much attention is paid to teaching foreign languages (both according to curriculum and on option) and marked it as a big advantage for getting additional knowledge, probation periods abroad and job placement.

The detailed information on Admission rules for 2016-2017 academic year you can get at USPU Selection Committee under the following address: Uman, 2 Sadova Street; tel.: (04744) 4-05-20, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or at the website of the university under the heading “University Applicants”.

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