Until the 31st of December, 2015 testing access to electronic resources BioOne is open to Pavlo Tychyna USPU library users. It includes new scientific investigations in biology, ecology and sciences about environment. The access is available under the following link: http://www.bioone.org/.

Collection BioOne includes 179 periodicals from 136 publishers, among them 72 % have indexation of Thomas Reuters Web of Knowledge, and 90 % are included into scentific base SciVerse Scopus.

The main sphere of investigated topics: biochemistry, molecular biology, biology, biophysics, ecology, sciences about environment, evolutionary biology, genetics and heredity, physical geography, geology, microbiology, medical radiology, sport sciences.

For more detailed information about BioOne and instruction for using it, you can refer to the page Training Materials.

If you have questions, write to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or ask in the reading room № 1 (building № 1).

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