For Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University workers and students is open permanent access to electronic library system “iBook”. Access period is until 01.04.2015.

ELS iBooks includes periodicals in different branches of education and science and has been created for high schools by leading Russian publishing firm of scientific and business literature “Piter” and “Peterbourg” in collaboration with Association of Regional Library Consortium (ARBOCON). All the collections correspond to the main directions of university professional training.

The books are grouped in thematic collections which are represented in the single format (“Humanitarian Sciences”, “Economics and Administration”, “Informatics and Computer Sciences”, “Physics and Mathematics”, “Information Security”, etc.).

To get connected you should follow the website (in university local network), find the necessary issue, and to read a full text push the button “To read”. There is a possibility to copy some fragments of the text. Before the content of the book, push the button “Select” and after the system will help you with advice.

Guidelines on electronic library system

If you want to register with your personal account for remote access to electronic library system “iBook”, contact the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or reading room № 1 (building № 1).

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