It’s been several years since the Sociology and Psychology Department at USPU celebrates the professional holiday of psychologists (officially April 23). It is traditionally celebrated during the entire week. Every day from Monday to Friday the students and teachers of the Department take part in a number of various events. This year it was also celebrated nicely.

This time, the Psychologist week began with the traditional "Green Ribbon" action. During the long break everyone was given green ribbons as a symbol of life, harmony and spring. Also, there was "Daisy of wishes" action that presumed creation of a large flower with wishes to all students and the University staff.

An office of emergency psychological diagnosis was opened in the lobby of the University. Anyone could learn more about his/her character, temperament and other individual characteristics, using various psychological techniques. Delicious cookies with good wishes were also handed out in the hall. 

"Culinary Fair" charity action taking place during the breaks sweetened the life of all groups of participants. A wide range of pastries was offered to those who enjoy tasty sweetmeats. The collected funds were given to the charity.

The first-year students organized "A poem for a candy" action the aim of which was to test the memory of the students and teachers. Any sweet tooth could recite poems on various topics and demonstrate the acting abilities.

In the central park of the city the students held "Do you care?" campaign that checked the degree of apathy to a clean environment of the ordinary passers-by. The initiators of the event have posted the results of the poll and their conclusions on the University website.

“Watch and Hear” first festival of social and psychological drama was taking place on April the 17th on the stage of the City House of Culture. It was initiated by USPU and Youth Friendly Clinic at Uman City Children's Hospital. The festival participants raised quite important issues, like addictions, violence, choice, conflict, self-esteem, moral and physical manifestations of temptation and struggle for one’s own happy and fulfilling life.

Our University co-organized the “Wisdom of generations” (SAPIENTIA GENERATIONES) International Festival of organizational, economic and applied psychology held on April 22-23 and dedicated to the nationwide day of psychologist. "The wise combination of knowledge and experience of generations" was the slogan of the event the participants of which were the students of Sociology and Psychology Department who conducted interesting psychological trainings. This has given them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience.

A festive concert was one of the brightest events of the Psychologist Week. The guests of honor present at the concert were Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University, Professor, Head of Department of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and History of Pedagogy, Natalia Petrenko, the Vice-Rector for Economic and Commercial Issues and Oleksandr Osadchiy, the Head of the Trade Union. The event passed very quickly and seemed like a moment only, it was very interesting and informative. Except for the concert the program also included summarizing the results of years of work and nomination of students and teachers. The following students were nominated: Yuriy Chorniy ("Best Reporter of the Department"), Alvina Polushyna and Tetiana Muzyka ("Best Volunteers") Maria Krayeva ("The best researcher student"), Alina Varykasha ("Best Artist"), Roman Datsko ("The achievements of the Year"), Bogdan Ploschuk ("Best acting in the Imaginative and Quick-witted game"), Aliona Zavalko ("Best student curator"), Anna Yakymenko and Maya Perfilieva ("Best curator of the Year"), Veronika Smitanka ("The best monitor of the group"), group 15 ("The best group of the Department"), room 441 ("The best room in the dormitory"). Yulia Mudrytska won in the most prestigious category of "Student of the Year". Charged with positive inspiration for the year the students engage in a battle for the title of the best in 2015!

The final event of the program of the week "Respect yourself - do not give bribes" action. It was created by the organizing committee consisting of both students and teachers.

The week turned out to be eventful and rewarding. It is worth noting that each year the students of Sociology and Psychology Department impress everyone with their imagination and ingenuity that continuously improve and grow. This time they also managed to capture the hearts and souls of all those for whom they worked. We hope that their inspiration for learning and creativity will never fade and will continue to bring joy to everyone around.

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