In the framework of International Educational Program of Double Diploma, realized by Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Institute of European Culture at Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University in Gniezno begins admission of students in a new direction of professional training in 2016/2017 academic year – “Western European Civilization”.

Students of USPU would study such subjects as “European diplomacy”, “Culture and tourism”, “Culture projecting”, “Media sciences”, “Management of cultural establishments”, “European education” and they may opt for contemporary History if they choose the before mentioned direction. “Western Civilization” is a modern direction at Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University in Poznan, which helps to understand relevant geology, political and cultural situation in Europe and the world.

Pursuing studies in the mentioned specialty, students would be able to visit courses outside the university, conducted by specialists in social media, Mass Media, photos, historic restoration, mass events; they would be also able to have their probation period on TV, radio, information portals, photo’s workshops, museums, cultural centers; they would learn to create documentaries, radio shows, picture stories, restorations of historic buildings, websites, connected with historic and cultural inheritance of Western civilization.

The detailed information on admission conditions of participation in the program you can get at Polish Cultural and Educational Center (room 113, building № 3, USPU).

The other directions of professional training in the Institute of European Culture you can find at the following website; the virtual excursion is possible under the link:

Пресцентр УДПУ