At USPU was held the meeting of students, teachers and soldiers in ATO zone (Uman platoon, 2nd batallion of National Guards of Ukraine).

The university assembly hall was overcrowded. Dean of Social and Psychological Education Department Oksana Kravchenko welcomed the guests in our university and thanked them for their consent to meet with the youth.

The event began with a minute of silence to honour perished warriors and peaceful population in the East of Ukraine.

The video appeal “Glory to Ukraine!” was demonstrated by 11 group students of Social and Psychological Education Department which was made in the framework of National Patriotic Camp “Action”.

There were only six soldiers who represent Uman region in the turbulent East, six soldiers from thousands who defend Ukrainian freedom and independence in the ATO zone. Among them were Mykola Bilan, Sergiy Timenovsky, Volodymyr Vradiy, Roman Petryshyn, Igor Kuz`, Andriy Bilan. Putting at stake their own life, our fellow countrymen stood up for the Motherland sovereignty and peace among Estearn part of Ukraine citizens. Karachun Mountain, Debaltseve were the places where the soldiers protected borders. We already know from the news that on these territories were held fierce fightings, but during the conversation the warriors were not very much talkative about military actions. They were joking about their summer spending each of them could write a story and added seriously, “but it’s not a time”. In their opinion, information spreading about fightings could help to win the enemy, and to lose Ukrainian subdivisions.

Answering on students’ questions, they expressed their attitude to the events and Estearn part of Ukraine citizens’ disposition. Many of them were talking about patriotism. When there is a state indangered, there is a need to be united. In such a difficult situation a real man protects his Motherland. By Motherland is meant a father and a mother, a wife and children, native home. For the sake of peace in the native land, warriors, real patriots don’t hesitate to be among guardians; it’s their duty to defend the Motherland. All of the present at meeting warriors are volunteers. At first, they didn’t tell their families where they were in order not to make them worried. Their telephone calls ended by phrase “I’m okay”.

At the meeting they expressed their gratitude for compatriots support. At the front they were provided the most of all the soldiers with the necessities of life. From Uman dwellers and local authority they received clothes, food and medicine. Special gratitude was expressed for presented night vision device which saved their life at the front.

Laconic warriors just ascertained a fact, “The tasks were managed”. They wished the students, future pedagogical workers to study heard in order to teach well the next generation and only then Ukraine would have real patriots, professionals to build a new, reach and beautiful life. Ukraine will be for sure in blossom!

In the end of the meeting fighters together with all the present performed the Anthem (Hymn) of Ukraine.

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