In Kyiv was held a modeling a work of Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Court) of Ukraine by “A League of Young Parliamentarians”. Cherkassy region represented a student of Ukrainian Philology Department Natalia Yudchenko.

The event was held under the aegis of Association of Graduating Students Program in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and central organs of executive bodies – “League of Interns” together with a Program USAID “Council: responsibility, accountability, democratic parliamentary representatives”.

Modeling was held in the house of one of Verkhovna Rada’s committees, which provided a good experience to young people, who came to try a job of members of parliament and reproduce the work of high legislative body of the country.

Natalia Yudchenko shared her impressions: “A month ago I could only dream about participation in such a grand project, and now I am a graduating student of the program”.

I am very much grateful to the university administration, the university and the department for providing me with information on the competition, their support, understanding and help in preparation to it.

During our studies we were united into 6 parliamentary factions (9 members each), which had their own title, aim and tasks. We’ve created social and democratic party “Ours”. During two weeks the teams received tasks from the organizers and were carrying them out. As a result, we’ve elaborated a bill on the topic “local authorities’ openness in the context of electronic administration”.

“The next stage of the work, - tells a student, - was reproduction of legislative process’s the main stages. It was held in Verkhovna Rada’s committees and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The work was very active, and we were pressed of time. We were listening to interesting lectures by famous politicians, who shared their experience. What I liked the most was a story by a head of European Parliament Mission in assessment of Verkhovna Rada’s of Ukraine needs Pete Kox. Appealing to the youth he cited a famous saying by John Kennedy, “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

At the meeting were discussed some transformation appeals, which faced nowadays Ukrainian society, role of the young generation in the process of changes introduction, work of Ukrainian parliament, further directions of collaboration of Ukraine and the European Union.

Having attended interesting lectures, the young parliamentarians were working under elaborating a common bill. In spite of discussions and different arguments, the young elite came to consensus as they aimed at our state’s improvement.

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