On the 22nd of September 180 anniversary of Oleksandr Potebnia’s birthday, a famous Ukrainian scientist, has been celebrated. The scientific heritage of O. Potebnia is a source of good ideas and scientific conceptions of contemporary philology.

Commemorating a Ukrainian scientist, the Scientific and Methodological Centre “Formation of national and linguistic personality in the framework of continuing education” under the guidance of doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lidia Mamchur prepared all-university conference “OLEKSANDR POTEBNIA: A FAMOUS LINGUIST, ETHNOGRAPHER, SPECIALIST IN DIDACTICS”.

Lidia Ivanivna welcomed all the participants of the conference and made a speech, in which she stressed O. Potebnia’s patriotism, inner protest of the Ukrainian language oppression.

The students of the university presented scientific information on the Ukrainian linguist. Student of Foreign Languages Department Maryna Verbovska was talking on biography of Oleksandr Potebnia, student of Primary Education Department Natalia Kavaler made an investigation “Oleksandr Opanasovych Potebnia contribution in contemporary linguistics development”. Student of Ukrainian Philology Department Aliona Mandzyuk reported on “Scientific Principles of O. Potebnia’s research on language”.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and its Teaching Methods Inna Tereshko made a report “Folklore ideas in scientific works representation”. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at Theory of Primary Education Chair Hanna Voloshyna presented her investigation “Ideas of comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Russian in contemporary primary school, doctor of philological sciences, professor at Ukrainian Language and its Teaching Methods Chair Oksana Zelinska told about role of O. Potebnia’s heritage for contemporary science.

In the end the folklore group “Sofia” amazed everybody by its emotionality.

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