Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

From 23.09.2023 to 02.10.2023 in Saint-Jean-de-Fos (France), under the auspices of the Association of International Projects "Logos Polska," an international internship was held as part of the training course "All in, for inclusion! Outdoor tools for youth work». The international courses were...
From 24 to 30 September 2023 representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, namely: Head of the Theory and Methodology of Physical Education Department, Associate Professor Galina Gonchar and Associate Professor of the Theory and Methodology of Physical Education Department...
September 3 to 9, 2023, an international summer school "Start-ups, transfer and digital studies” was held at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubica (Poland) at the initiative of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany) and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland), organised by...
On August 23, 2023, the main coordinator of the project «Academies4Ukraine - Strengthen Higher Education resilience in Ukraine and European Union» (Erasmus+ KA220-HED Program - Cooperation partnerships in higher education) Gianluca Vagnarelli (startup company «I-STRATEGIES» (Italy)) held a...
As part of the agreement on cooperation between Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and the University of California, Davis coordination meeting was held in Davis with university rector Oleksandr Bezliudnyi, city mayor Iryna Pletniova, head of the Society of Friendship with Foreign...
The Magna Charta Observatory, of which our university is a signatory, has announced the winners of this year's essay competition on the topic How might students exercise more influence in enabling their universities to make a more effective contribution to society?”, among them Diana...
June 11 to 17, 2023, the 11th international summer school "Science Communication" was held, organized by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for 26 Ukrainian partner institutions of higher education. Traditionally, the venue of the school is the palace in Dembin near Poznań. Pavlo Tychyna...
Thanks to the support of the university management, including the department of international relations, the Polish cultural and educational center and the dean's office of the faculty of Ukrainian philology, Maryna Pavlenko, assistant professor of the department of Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian...
From May 29 to June 4, 2023, the teachers of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna, head of the Department of Informatics and ICT, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Maria Medvedyeva and Professor of the same Department Halyna Tkachuk, Doctor of...
The delegation of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk and its granting of the rank of University. The first vice-rector Andrii Gedzik and the vice-rector for international...