On October 18, workshop of social cycle teachers on theme "Local historical work in school: theory, methodology, practice" was held at the History Department of Uman State Pedagogical University together with Methodological Department of Education of Uman district state administration.

The event was opened by professor, head of Ukrainian History Chair Tetyana Kuznets. The focus of her report was on the importance of common research work of university scientists and teachers and pupils of district comprehensive schools in studying history of native land by means of oral history.

Assistant professor of World History and Jurisprudence Chair Petro Gorokhivs'kyi pointed on the importance for a deeper understanding of Ukrainian ancient history, especially the archaeological period.

Head of the research laboratory "Archeology of Uman district" associate professor Vlada Sokyrska familiarized the participants with the scientific achievements of famous Uman local historian, scientist Grygoriy Khraban. Her laboratory has cooperation agreements with secondary schools of Cherkasy and Kyiv regions, where pupils together with students could take part in archaeological exploration and excavation.

Research worker of State Historical-Architectural Reserve "Stara Uman" Sergiy Vasil’yev presented imaginary excursion through historic Uman district.

Teachers-enthusiasts, real experts in their province Leonid Panchenko (history teacher in Palanka school), Svitlana Popyk (history teacher in Kocherzhyntsi SEC), Oksana Nauman (teacher-organizer in Oksanyno school, group leader of "Young guide"), Lesya Royik (history teacher in Polyanetske school) shared their experience of local history work conducting at school.

The prospects of further cooperation in "University - School" system discuss head of research laboratory "Historical Study of Uman District" professor Tetyana Kuznets and head of research laboratory "Archeology of Uman District" associate professor Vlada Sokyrska.