Integration of Ukraine to the world civilization and educational space puts before a scientific and institute of higher elite high-quality new requirements and calls. Establishments of higher school are fully conscious modern problems of innovative development of society, pulled out by life.

The teaching staff of Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University builds the activity in the context of these realities, aiming here to use progressive experience of the best higher institutes of Ukraine. Productive and useful was meeting of working groups of Uman pedagogical and Dnepropetrovsk mountain universities, which took a place on December, 14, 2011 in Dnepropetrovsk.

During meeting leaders of family economic faculties both HEI exchanged business information and experience, in particular with the features of methods of preparation specialists, organization practice of students, bringing in them to the research work.

The special attention was appealed on work of Business-incubators , which function in universities, in particular their mission in creation business environment, forming for modern youth innovative world view and innovative approaches to the decision of non-standard economic and economic situations. Interesting to mark, that conclusive role in making related both HEI played head of Cherkassy regional administration Sergey B. Tulub. The idea of creation in USPU of business-incubator belongs exactly to him - first in Cherkassy, in which he leaned against experience of the Dnepropetrovsk mountain university, where Sergey B. heads Oversight board.

Sides acknowledged unanimously, that activity of the Business incubator in his modern forms assists development of co-operative connections between research workers, young scientists, students and businessmen.

Meeting assisted determination of general educational and research work, as here: general edition of educationally-methodical literature; bringing in teaching staff to reading sets of lectures on the conditions of mutual agreement; leadthrough general scientific researches, all-ukrainian and international conferences, realization of projects, and other; development and practical introduction of youth initiatives of businesses, high-quality business-studies and realization of general projects; bringing in of specialists for the leadthrough of trainings, classes of masters and competitions of business ideas, business plans.

The results of meeting found a reflection in making an agreement about a collaboration between the economic department of Uman pedagogic university Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Management of the Dnepropetrovsk mountain university, and also the agreement about the collaboration of Business-incubators of educational establishments.

Such exchange of scnietific experience called to help students and teachers more fully familiarize with the newest technologies in the educational process, by legal forms and terms of manage enterprises and organizations, to purchase practical experience on questions of management organizational, economic and social processes.